For many people, achieving large financial success is much more difficult than keeping up with the times and new technologies. In this article, we will talk about how the correct implementation of the most popular financial habits allow you to create an impressive amount of capital (and even become a billionaire).What should I do to always be "mired in debt"?Many people have experienced the" flip side " of boredom-when they have money, they don't have time to do anything. But in the end, it's the same with money as it's all about the same. No matter how much you earn, you can not completely "slide" to the bottom.And the good news is that everything is very simple to do.In this article, we will talk about how to permanently get rid of lack of money, find prosperity and financial well-being.What you need to do for this: 1) Change your attitude to wealth Rich people have a very positive attitude to money. They are used to making money a "bridge" to higher positions and higher incomes. This attitude is particularly strong in relation to women. Men should learn to treat money in a way that is consistent with their financial goals. Women, as a rule, are more modest than men. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of rich men, they should follow the following::obviously, in relationships with other women;in the household, in social networks, etc.);with money, invest;with money, earn.2) Improve your financial literacy Keep your personal / family finances in mind. It is a skill that "adds up" everything and protects your family from serious problems. trouble. Financial literacy includes the ability to calculate, make informed decisions, and quickly solve problems.The main thing is to be able to handle money competently and rationally.3) Increase your salaryYour boss is quite happy with the amount of salary that he is currently paying you. But he is willing to give you a raise — so feel free to start "bouncing" in the future. After all, your boss "knows" him better than anyone else. So keep track of your professional skills: developed in the last five years;proficient in the specialist;good GED/AT or equivalent qualification.4) Save up and invest Get used to investing every day (regularly buying currency, stocks, and other financial instruments).As a rule, this is done by people who live in the City or in coastal areas.This is one of the functions of the "financial cushion", another one of the" engines " of your future prosperity.5) Make money work for youMake it a habit to direct 10-20% of each income you receive to this task. To do this,